Helping successful leaders achieve positive, long-term change in their behavior for themselves, their teams and their company.
Conceptual Framework and Coaching Process:
While there are many ways for an organization to improve itself, I believe that today’s organizations must be guided by leaders who understand themselves, others, and the enduring power of effective business relationships. My coaching programs are designed to help leaders maximize their individual potential and develop the social and emotional competencies that are crucial to both individual and organizational excellence. My approach is comprehensive and holistic, recognizing that every executive’s attitudes and behavior at work are multi-determined. I collaborate with the executive-in-coaching, as well as his/her manager throughout the coaching engagement.
Conventional wisdom holds that “leaders are made, not born”, yet many executives are skeptical about professional development programs, often exhibiting a need for control and reluctance to change their “winning formula” (how they got where they are today). In-depth personal data collection along with a comprehensive 360 evaluation allows me to become an expert on who the client is, as well as how the client is viewed and experienced by his/her senior leaders, peers/colleagues, and direct reports. I work with the executive-in-coaching to identify strengths and areas for development, write a personal development plan (the roadmap for the coaching process) with clear, measurable goals and action steps. Coaching sessions facilitate the executive’s achievement of his/her goals. Prior to completion of the coaching engagement a “reality check” on the client’s progress is completed by briefly re-interviewing selected individuals.
Who is executive coaching best suited for?
- High potential and senior executives whose optimum performance is critical to the company
- Executives moving into stretch roles or onboarding to new settings
- Executives who want to improve their performance
- Technical experts who want to increase their marketing, management or client relationship effectiveness
- Executives who need to create a high performance team
Individual coaching sessions and 360 interviews are conducted face to face and by telephone.
Cost and length of coaching engagements:
Executive coaching programs are designed based on the needs of the organization, but are typically 9 or 12 month engagements. Fees are similarly determined, based on the design and length of the coaching program.